Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Alexander Irving

         Alexander Irving is a painter that is interested in connecting with art history and creating a dialog in his work. His early works consists of a series of small balls with bumps arranged in various patterns. The work is small and each ball tests the edge of the surface. He never intended to work in a series, rather each piece led into another and from nineteen ninety eight until two thousand and six he considers these works almost like a diary. His interest in neon and the animating quality it possessed led him to create a series of works focused on alcohol. Alexander was interested in how alcohol created this cloud or haze when consumed. He was interested in the two edge nature of alcohol and  in how it breaks down barriers but also creates barriers. Investigating this interest he installed a work that invited the viewer to look through a small hole in the wall, where you are confronted with a mini bar. This work invokes a tantalizing feeling as you were unable to reach it, only imagine what it would be like to experience it.
        He continued to enjoy drawing compulsively being very playful with his drawings. Alexander spent a large portion of his life in Montreal and was influenced by Expo eighty six. The decaying state of this extravagant display of art and technology lead him into a series of small drawings. The drawings consisted of small little shacks just big enough for one person. He was commenting on the decay of the modernist idea, indicating a sort of presence,working with circles again it was almost like a self portrait.
      Alexander was asked during his presentation where do his idea come from? He stated " eventually something will just come of letting ideas happen" I found this comment very relevant in my own practice, as often I find myself stuck attempting to construct ideas for new works. This belief that if you don't over analyze things then inspiration will soon materialize, is very comforting coming from an established artist. He also explained "it is up to ourselves to build opportunity's" this point I also found very interesting, as an artist you must be a master of self promotion and the ability to sell oneself I feel is very important in this profession.
     Finally, Alexander Irving's  work is a great example of an artist and educator. He enjoys working on a subject until he has exhausted all visual and conceptual avenues.

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